In the human neck there is a large number of nerve bundles and blood vessels that ensure the normal functioning of the brain and sensory organs. The most common cause of their clots is cervical osteochondrosis, a dangerous degenerative disease of cartilage and bone tissue, which is accompanied by severe pain, deterioration of hearing, vision and cognitive functions, a feeling of numbness in the face and lossgradual ability. to work
If, when you turn your head, you are worried about pain and stiffness, frequent dizziness or weakness in your hands, it is time to think about the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis
Cervical osteochondrosis has its own characteristics, due to the anatomical structure. The vertebrae of the cervical region are smaller than the lumbar and even the thoracic, and also experience a constant static load (weight of the head). During the day, loads can be expressed in maintaining the same posture - for example, when reading documents, working on a computer. At night, the neck is also often deprived of rest due to an unphysiological sleeping position and an uncomfortable pillow (the head either "hangs" on the pillow, or is a reference point and is under pressure). As a result of this parapathological condition, the so-calledmuscle overtraining. Some muscle groups experience excessive stress, and therefore need a longer period of rest and recovery - but don't take them - because the schedule is not cancelled.
All this causes constant tension in some muscle groups and dystrophic changes in others, and often leads to the appearance of a "turtle neck" (a person bends, while the head is stretched forward, and the neck forms a characteristic deviation). In this situation, the weight of the head falls on the atlas, the first cervical vertebra. He is forced to take over that part of the load that the neck muscles can withstand during normal physical development. But the fact is that he is not at all adapted for such a task!
Additional factors that can accelerate the wear of the intervertebral cartilage in the cervical spine are often:
- age-related and hormonal changes - more often after 45 years (inorganic substances prevail over organic ones, which reduces the flexibility of bones and causes their mineralization, and the destruction of bone tissue occurs faster than its growth);
- injuries of the neck and other parts of the spine;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- congenital anomalies of the musculoskeletal system and acquired posture disorders;
- hypodynamia (after all, the intervertebral joints of the neck are the most mobile, and a variety of loads are necessary for their health);
- smoking and other bad habits.
Stages of cervical osteochondrosis
The stage of cervical osteochondrosis is determined based on diagnostic criteria. These include the patient's own sensations, palpation, assessment of neck mobility, as well as the gap between the vertebrae and other indicators on the x-ray. Depending on the stage of the disease, the orthopedist chooses the treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck, preventive measures and, if necessary, supporting orthoses.
1 degree of cervical osteochondrosis
1 degree of cervical osteochondrosis is also called the preclinical stage. Patients, as a rule, ignore the first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, and treatment is not carried out due to their mild severity. They are attributed to fatigue after a day's work, an uncomfortable sleeping position, stress, migraines and various diseases. Patients feel:
- stiffness in the neck, especially in the morning or after a long stay in the same position;
- pain with sharp turns of the head;
- frequent headaches (including weather changes).
At this stage of the disease, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women is most likely - after all, their symptoms are more pronounced. This is due to the specifics of work and physical activity (for example, working in an office during the day and bending over the sink or doing the child's homework in the evening), and hormonal and anatomical characteristics (low muscle and bone mass. mineral density). In the preclinical stage, for women, they are characterized especially by increased pressure, numbness and whitening of the skin (especially on the face), tendency to faint and dizziness, nausea and some other symptoms of cerebral hypoxia.
Most often, the symptoms and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are faced by patients aged 45 to 65 years, but with chronic fatigue, excessive physical activity and other risk factors, they can appear quite early - starting at 25 years old.
At this stage, the disease can be completely overcome with the help of therapeutic exercises, ointments for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, training in the orthopedic regimen and normalization of nutrition.
2 degree of cervical osteochondrosis
In the second stage of the disease, the height of the intervertebral cartilage begins to decrease, which plays the role of a shock-absorbing insert between the vertebrae. Because of this, microtraumatization of the neck often occurs during sharp turns, jumps or excessive loads. Protrusion of intervertebral discs, radicular syndrome (compression of nerve endings) also appear.
These changes cause severe pain - both in the head and neck. The ability to concentrate, the speed of thinking, the sensitivity of the face and hands are reduced. Patients complain of increased fatigue, irritability. At this stage, effective medical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is already required.
3 degrees of cervical osteochondrosis
Strong and acute pains are permanent, can be given in the arms, in the upper back, in the neck. One or both of the patient's arms tire quickly. The process begins to move to neighboring joints due to the violation of the natural compensatory functions of the spine. The patient has difficulty or cannot turn his head at all due to the bony growths - osteophytes, as well as the fact that the cartilage is replaced by connective tissue. Any movement, if possible, is accompanied by a harsh squeak. The neck loses mobility, its muscles atrophy. Hernias are often formed, cracks appear in the vertebrae. Noise is heard in the ear.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out comprehensively, taking into account the patient's age, structure, profession, level of physical fitness, his lifestyle and the presence of concomitant diseases. Therefore, the suitability of specific therapeutic measures in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women and men should be determined by the attending physician.

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis
To relieve pain, relieve inflammation, improve nerve conduction and nourish the brain, the following physiotherapeutic methods are used for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis:
- ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis - have a warming effect, improve the effect of external drugs;
- electrophoresis - increases the effect of administered drugs, has a stimulating and warming effect;
- Shock wave therapy (SWT) - activates blood circulation, relieves inflammation and improves bone and cartilage tissue regeneration;
- electromyostimulation - improves mobility and stability of the neck and arms, relieves pain;
- Cold and ozone therapy - reduces pain and inflammation, helps reduce the dose of corticosteroid drugs;
- physiotherapy and kinesitherapy - strengthens neck muscles, improves blood circulation and metabolism, maintains neck mobility;
- manual therapy and mechanical traction (traction) - helps to get rid of cramps and pain;
- acupuncture - helps maintain nerve mobility and sensitivity;
- paraffin applications - stimulate metabolic processes, reduce pain.
Sanatorium methods of treating cervical osteochondrosis are effective and advantageous - for example, balneotherapy (baths with hydrogen sulfide, radon and turpentine) hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).
Massage in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck
Therapeutic massage, lymphatic drainage and physiotherapy have a positive effect on the intervertebral discs, bone tissue, muscles and ligaments of the cervical region. Some movements can be performed independently - for example, rubbing the cervical collar, parotid area and shoulders, washing the neck with the fingers and the edge of the palm, tapping, tapping and ascending movements along the back of the neck. Not superfluous in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae will be a circular massage of the back of the head, as well as a warming massage for the clavicular area, shoulders and upper back. Massage is especially effective before exercise therapy exercises. You can combine it with the application of an ointment for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
With osteochondrosis of the neck, hydromassage is also recommended - a physiotherapeutic technique that improves metabolism, inhibits fibrous growths, helps relieve headaches and improves nerve conduction.
Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis
The lack of adequate physical activity in the neck and back muscles is the main reason for the development and further progression of cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, daily gymnastics is used both for the prevention and treatment of this disease (but not for the treatment of exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis! ). Remember that exercises should be performed at least 3-5 times a day (of which 1 time in the morning, after waking up). All movements should be smooth, without jerking. If you feel pain during exercise, stop it and if the whole complex is painful for you, contact an orthopedist for medical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and also visit an exercise therapy instructor.
You can perform the following exercises every day (5-7 repetitions):
- Press your palm to your forehead and strain your neck, trying to move your palm with your forehead. Repeat this exercise for the back of the head, and then, on the other hand, for the right and left temples.
- Tilt your head back and then slowly lower yourself, pressing your chin to your chest.
- Stand straight and turn your head as far to the left as possible. Repeat the exercise on the right side.
- Tilt your head back and try to touch your shoulder with your ear. Repeat on both sides.
- Lower your chin to the jugular point and turn your head first to one side (from 5 times) then, similarly, to the other side.
Warm-ups for the shoulders, such as the "mill", will not be superfluous. Daily exercises in the early stages of the disease help to do without pills for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.
Please note: if you have already been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, you should not describe a complete circle with your head, because. it can be traumatic.
Diet in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Osteochondrosis of the cervical region can be classified as so-called. "diseases of the whole organism". Therefore, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the diet has two goals: saturating the body with nutrients and limiting substances that contribute to dehydration, mineralization of joints and their destruction.
Therefore, in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a special place in the diet should be occupied by:
- Poultry, lean beef, game, liver and offal. .
- Seafood - fish, shellfish, crustaceans, edible algae.
- Eggs and dairy products.
- Whole grains and legumes - oats, wheat (including sprouted), brown rice, beans, peas.
- Vegetables - carrots, spinach, bell peppers, broccoli, lettuce and others.
- Fruits - apricots, bananas, citrus fruits, plums, apples, avocados, peaches, pomegranates.
- Nuts.
- Any berries (fresh, dried, frozen) and dried fruit.
But marinades, salty dishes, fast food, semi-finished products and sausages should be completely excluded. It is also important to reduce white bread, potatoes, sweets (with the exception of dark chocolate and dried fruits), carbonated drinks and coffee "from the bag" in the menu - this will reduce the need for drug treatment of osteochondrosis ofcervical spine.
Preparations for osteochondrosis
Conservative treatment of osteochondrosis includes various therapeutic measures - from massage and diet to therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy. All of them help to improve the patient's condition and prevent the development of complications. But the main method has been and remains the use of pharmaceutical drugs for osteochondrosis.

Goals of medical treatment
The treatment of osteochondrosis with drugs is so effective in the early stages of the disease that, with the right treatment regimen, it can completely cure osteochondrosis or permanently eliminate its most unpleasant symptoms. In later stages, medical control of the disease is possible.
Medicines for osteochondrosis are designed to affect the disease not only symptomatically, but also to eliminate its causes systematically. Therefore, therapy is carried out in the following directions:
- anesthesia of the affected areas;
- removal of inflammation and relief of the acute period of the disease;
- restoration of microcirculation in affected tissues;
- improvement of metabolic processes and protection of cartilage from further destruction (for example, from free radicals);
- regeneration of cartilage tissue in the intervertebral discs;
- restoring mobility in the vertebral joints.
In cases where the disease is accompanied by depression or emotional stress, the therapy also aims to restore the normal psychological state.
During the remission period, patients can do without drugs or take them in courses in prophylactic doses.
Drugs for the effective treatment of osteochondrosis: release form
For the treatment of osteochondrosis, agents for external and internal use are used. The choice of drug release form depends on the patient's habits and lifestyle, accompanying diagnoses and the stage of the disease.
Tablets and capsules
Tablets and capsules for osteochondrosis are the most popular form of release. They have high bioavailability and systemic effects in the body.
Tablets should be taken directly with meals, usually 2 times a day.
The main disadvantage of tablets (especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is that they act directly on the mucosa of the digestive system. Such drugs are not recommended for permanent use due to the risk of inflammation and stomach ulcers. They should be taken under medical supervision.

Ointments, gels, creams and solutions for compresses
Topical products are excellent for local anesthesia, inflammation and swelling. They are considered to be much safer for the body than tablets, as they do not come into contact with the mucous membrane and are absorbed into the blood in small amounts. Topical preparations do not have a cumulative effect, are easy to use and usually do not require a prescription. They can be used continuously, not in courses. Among the external forms of release, it is worth highlighting the patches - they are simply fixed on the affected area of the spine, they can be worn under clothes all day.
Ointments, gels and creams are the best medicines for osteochondrosis for patients who have contraindications to taking pills (with steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components) from the heart and endocrine system.
Solution for injection
Medicines for intravenous and intramuscular administration have maximum bioavailability and a reduced effect on the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, since the active substances enter the blood directly.
Injectable drugs for osteochondrosis can quickly stop the worsening of the disease, relieve pain, swelling and restore the sensitivity of nerve endings. Injections are an excellent alternative to oral medication for lactose intolerant patients. After all, most NSAIDs in tablets are drugs that contain lactose.
With particularly strong back pain, the drug is administered as a blockade - directly to the nerve. The effect of such an injection lasts up to 3-4 weeks, but a qualified medical worker must perform the procedure due to the proximity of the blockade to the spine.

What drugs should be taken with osteochondrosis?
Medicines for osteochondrosis differ not only in the form of release. They are also divided into the following pharmacological groups.
Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis
The work of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in osteochondrosis is based on suppressing the production of prostaglandins - hormone-like substances that cause inflammation and pain in the affected areas. Non-steroidal drugs for osteochondrosis can quickly eliminate pain and heat of the skin, restore local metabolism, relieve swelling, discomfort and deterioration of sensitivity, relieve pressure on the nerve roots of the spine.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis are produced in various dosage forms - capsules and tablets, gels and creams, solutions for intramuscular, intravenous or s / c administration. Treatment of NSAIDs with drugs for osteochondrosis usually involves a combination of different forms. For example, tablets are used as the main therapy, gels and ointments "quench" the remaining inflammation, and injections are needed for pain relief. Spots help relieve inflammation at all stages of treatment.
Steroid (hormonal) anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis are rarely used - mainly in the most advanced cases, when other treatment has not shown results.
With osteochondrosis, the spring function of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, which directly depends on the volume of cartilage tissue and its elasticity. To maintain sufficient cartilage thickness, the body must regenerate cartilage cells (chondrocytes) at a rate that roughly matches their destruction. But with dehydration, unbalanced nutrition, stress, metabolic or anatomical disorders, the rate of chondrocyte destruction increases and new cells either slow down in growth or have an insufficient margin of safety. To protect the cartilage and restore its normal growth rate, it is worth taking special products based on glucosamine and chondroitin - chondroprotectors. Chondroprotective drugs for the effective treatment of osteochondrosis can stabilize the condition of the cartilage, prevent its further destruction and, depending on all medical recommendations, even help restore lost chondrocytes.
For a lasting effect, chondroprotectors (in the form of tablets, injections or external agents) should be taken throughout life, in courses of 3-6 months.
Preparations for heating
To eliminate discomfort in osteochondrosis, the so-called. heating drugs. They are:
- expand the blood vessels of the skin, which prevents the transmission of pain impulses to the brain;
- improves blood microcirculation in the connective tissue;
- relieve the patient of discomfort.
When applying irritant drugs, the maximum effect is observed after half an hour, and the analgesic effect lasts 2-4 hours. A local increase in skin temperature is normal.
The list of drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis includes ointments, creams, gels and tinctures based on:
- camphor (camphor ointment);
- turpentine;
- benzyl nicotinate;
- yoivamide;
- capsaicin (tincture of pepper);
- bee and snake venom.
Most of these drugs have a combined composition - for example, bee venom and NSAIDs or snake venom, salicylic acid and turpentine. Therefore, before use, you should make sure that there is no allergy to any of the ingredients.
Local and general analgesic
Painkillers for osteochondrosis are usually used in the form of tablets and injections. With an average pain syndrome, common medicines in the first aid kit can help.
In the later stages of osteochondrosis, opioids are prescribed - powerful drugs with a number of contraindications.
For complex anesthesia (for example, blockade), the so-called. "Cocktails" that simultaneously have an analgesic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic and allergen-reducing effect.
Important! Analgesics only relieve pain without affecting its cause. Therefore, without proper treatment, osteochondrosis continues to progress, requiring a transition to more and more serious sedatives.
Vasodilator drugs for osteochondrosis, or vasodilators, help restore normal blood supply to the tissues around the affected intervertebral joints.
Due to pain and muscle tension, blood vessels narrow. This worsens tissue nutrition, starves the brain of oxygen and accelerates the progression of the disease. Therefore, with cervical osteochondrosis, drugs to normalize blood circulation are especially important.
Vascular drugs for osteochondrosis improve peripheral blood circulation and cell metabolism, relieve pain.
Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants
To eliminate spasm and tension, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants are used. They normalize blood circulation, suppress pain, restore mobility.
To increase the effect of muscle relaxants for osteochondrosis, they can be prescribed together with clonazepam or diazepam (prescription drugs).
These drugs can be addictive, so use with caution.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis and drug treatment often provoke chronic stress, emotional stress, depression and other disorders of the psycho-emotional spectrum in patients.
For general relaxation and combating insomnia, you can use herbal preparations - for example, tincture of valerian, amine, peony.
For more serious disorders, antidepressants are recommended.
Complexes of vitamins and minerals
Since osteochondrosis is considered a disease of the whole organism, complex therapy with vitamins and minerals is of great importance. Vitamins A, groups B, C, D, E, calcium and phosphorus preparations help significantly improve the condition.
Vitamin Aa natural antioxidant that stimulates collagen production and reduces the destruction of chondrocytes, promotes joint tissue renewal.
B vitaminsreduces pain, inflammation and numbness of the hands, improves the sensitivity of nerve fibers.
Vitamin Dis responsible for the absorption of calcium and helps restore bone tissue lost due to osteochondrosis.
Vitamin Enecessary for the normalization of blood circulation, protection from free radicals and cartilage regeneration.
If attention is paid to the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, even with the existing changes, their progress will be significantly slowed down. Doctors recommend:
- lead an active lifestyle, avoid hypodynamia;
- minimize or eliminate heavy lifting;
- sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow;
- Do regular warm-ups if you need to work at the computer for a long time.
The ideal sport for osteochondrosis is swimming. Water unloads the spine and active movements contribute to the formation of the muscular frame.